We invite interested families to contact our director. She will be glad to explain our curriculum and developmental approach.
We are now accepting applications for our classes. Although we give priority to registrations from returning families, we rank all other applications by the date received. Tenth Church Preschool admits students of any race,color, religion,gender, and national or ethnic origin.
Please note that we follow Pennsylvania Department of Education guidelines for preschools and require that children be at least two years, seven months by September 1 for admission.
At Tenth Preschool, we offer a two-day program for two-and-a-half-year olds (Tuesdays and Thursdays), a three-day program for three-year-olds (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays), and both a five-day Pre-K and a Kindergarten program.
Our school day begins at 8:30 am. Pick-up is at 11:45 am for two-and-a-half and three-year-olds and noon for Pre-K and Kindergarten.